The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

Friday 17 September 2010

The Rules (all Credit to James 'Jimmy' Akin who who wrote the originals over at jimmy akin. org)

1. People are welcome to disagree with me in the comments boxes as long as they are polite. I don't mind disagreement. I do mind rudeness.

2. Because of the format restrictions blogging involves, I can't engage in sustained back-and-forth discussions with folks, either in the comments boxes or in the main section of the blog. Therefore, I ask that folks say their piece and then let the subject go (for now, knowing that it will likely surface again in the future).

3. Also because of the format restrictions, everyone must be concise. Don't go on at length about things. Pasting large amounts of text into the combox also counts as going on at length. Going on at length constitutes rudeness.

4. Comments violating the first three rules will be deleted.

5. Readers who repeatedly violate the first three rules will be banned.

6. When I link to other sites, unless I say otherwise, I am only recommending that you look at the material on the page that I link. The way this blog works, I often have need to document what I am saying by linking to a very specific piece of information, and I cannot endorse other material on sites containing this information.

7. I reserve the right to delete comments

8 I very much appreciate your efforts to promote this blog by linking it on your own blog/web page or by recommending it in other forums.

9. When someone is under a warning not to ride his hobby horse, others on the blog are not to post comments tempting him to get back on the hobby horse (e.g., "I wonder what So-and-so will do to twist this thread onto his favorite topic"). That's rude because it tempts another person to break a rule when he already may have trouble restraining himself on a particular topic.

10. The following terms are pejorative and their use as actual descriptors (as opposed, for example, to quoting someone else's use of them for purposes of critique) constitutes rudeness: "Romanist," "Romish," "Roman" (when used to mean or as a substitute for "Catholic"), "Roman Church" (when used to mean the entire Catholic Church, as opposed to the Roman church sui iuris that exists within the Catholic Church), "Papist," Papistic," "Papistical," "Popish," and any cognate terms based on the terms "Roman" or "Pope."

11. Althought the Mad Catholic is a fan of the Tridentine Rite according to the Missel of Bl John XIII he will not tolerate people saying that the Novus Ordo is Invalid; it is the Mass he attends most days and whilst he thinks it is somewhat impoverished (especially the current Translation) he will not tolerate attacks upon those who attend it.


  1. I like Papist, I like to call myself one.If someone calls us that to offend us, they should know they are indeed praising us.
    I will put a link on my blog. It's quite modest but some people like to go there.It's called This Burning Fire, meaning: the fire of God that burns in us.

  2. Good blog, please keep it up - we need more young men and women who are able and vocal.
